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​Applications of sapphire crystals

Release Date:2022-09-18 Content Comes From:

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Applications of sapphire crystals

As far back as the 10th century BC, sapphires and rubies were valuable as gemstones in the grading of diamonds. Synthetic sapphire was used for the first time in jewellery craftsmanship at the beginning of the twentieth century, but since then sapphire has played an increasingly important role in engineering. Currently, it is difficult to find a branch of science and technology that does not use this sapphire. Year after year, the demand for sapphire grows almost exponentially.

Devices used in the aerospace and aerospace industries and their components are simultaneously subjected to aggressive media, radiation, high temperatures, pressure and mechanical loads during chemical processing and in many other fields. Under such extreme conditions, any material is susceptible to intense corrosion and erosion. High strength alloys have reached the practical limits of their performance. The structure of polycrystalline materials and their mechanical properties grow under extreme conditions due to recrystallization, corrosion of grain boundaries, etc. with increasing temperature, radiation dose and operating time diffusion across grain boundaries. The result is material destruction. These disadvantages are greatly reduced in sapphire parts and assemblies.

There are two grades of finished products made from sapphire: structural and functional. Structural sapphire is used to create products with high mechanical stability. Functional sapphire has special structure and electrical, optical and thermodynamic properties. This classification is arbitrary because the material is multifunctional, and sapphire elements (such as rocket warheads) often combine both functions. Structural and functional sapphires are fairly new materials, and as such, they cannot be produced on a scale comparable to traditional materials. At the same time, the growth rate in production far exceeds the growth rate of steel, aluminum, and some other materials. It should also be emphasized that the cost of sapphire for composite technology systems is several times higher than that of sapphire components.

sapphire crystal

Kunshan Shuojing Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is involved in a wide range of new materials, and has complete preparation methods and means for functional ceramics and sapphire crystals, scintillation crystals, and laser crystals, forming optically transparent ceramics, sapphire optical windows, scintillation crystals, lasers and nonlinear crystals The main four series of high-tech products.

Related Tags: Laser crystal manufacturing Sapphire crystal Functional ceramic manufacturing

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