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​Optical properties of sapphire crystals (5)

Release Date:2022-09-20 Content Comes From:

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Optical properties of sapphire crystals (5)

The energy limit for the movement of aluminum ions into the void is 18 eV [66]. This movement can be achieved by a 300 KeV electron. The concentration of these defects is less than ~1012 cm3 per pulse. According to the fact in The presence of free spaces formed by internal anion vacancies promotes the movement of anions into the voids. So at higher VO2+ concentrations, the movement of Al ions into the voids leads to the formation of a pair of defects and an increase in the distance between the defects. This conclusion is consistent with the This is consistent with the fact that Frenkel pair lifetimes (50 ns) in ionic non-stoichiometric crystals at 80 K are longer (~30 ns) than such defects in stoichiometric crystals. Deactivation laser media, sapphire and The luminescence properties (thermoluminescence) of ruby are used in radiation dosimeters (see Chapter 1), manometers, luminescence receivers and ionizing radiation converters.

The undoped thermoluminescence spectrum is characterized by several bands (Fig. 2.51). In this low temperature region, a peak below 100 K is observed in all samples. Its intensity is low and only at large magnifications can be recorded. Only in individual samples, the two peaks have maxima in the ranges 223-240 and 261-281K. They overlap to some extent, and the temperature of the maxima is also cheaper. The intensities of these peaks are higher than those caused by excitation Timing. Several partially overlapping peaks were observed in the 350-600 K range [67].

sapphire crystal

The decay study of the thermoluminescence peak at 280 K shows that it has a complex structure and less overlap of two adjacent fundamental peaks. As the amount of light increases, the intensity of the low temperature part increases faster than that of the main part. (TC) studies have shown that defects exist in the crystal prior to excitation. In undoped sapphire, the value of TC activation·transition energy forms a single oscillation series, and the oscillation quantum energy hwTL is 0.079 eV (642 cm -1).

Kunshan Shuojing Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is involved in a wide range of new materials, and has complete preparation methods and means for functional ceramics and sapphire crystals, scintillation crystals, and laser crystals, forming optically transparent ceramics, sapphire optical windows, scintillation crystals, lasers and nonlinear crystals Master's four series of high-tech products

Related Tags: Laser crystal manufacturing Sapphire crystal Functional ceramic manufacturing

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