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​Dynamic strength of sapphire crystal (4)

Release Date:2022-09-20 Content Comes From:

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Dynamic strength of sapphire crystal (4)

The size of the grain building blocks in sapphire, ae, and the properties associated with it depend on the growth method (see Figure 2.61) [77]. Samples produced by different growth methods and with different heat treatment regimes have fundamentally different ae values. There is a positive correlation between strength and ae, and the previously obtained dependence kc(ae)[77] has the same trend, such as: the larger the ae value, the stronger the crack resistance. This may be due to the large ae value and their The “density” of grain boundaries, from which waves originating at the point of impact are not able to propagate throughout the sample, but are partially reflected by the grain boundaries. The resulting standing wave will not have enough energy to destroy the sapphire. Other things being equal, the sample with a high quality polish exhibits the highest intensity (Figure 2.62).


Kunshan Shuojing Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is involved in a wide range of new materials, and has complete preparation methods and means for functional ceramics and sapphire crystals, scintillation crystals, and laser crystals, forming optically transparent ceramics, sapphire optical windows, scintillation crystals, lasers and nonlinear crystals Master's four series of high-tech products

Related Tags: Laser crystal manufacturing Functional ceramic manufacturing Sapphire crystal

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