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> Quartz glass > Sapphire glass > Polygonal prism

Polygonal prism

  • Sorts : Sapphire glass

  • Update Time : 2022-09-09
  • Code: YX620396326
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Prism semi-pentaprism multiangle prism is one of the basic functions of a rectangular prism by using the critical Angle characteristic. A rectangular prism is usually coated with an optical film when used. The rectangular prism itself has a large contact area and a typical Angle of 45°, 90°, so, compared with the ordinary mirror, the rectangular prism is easier to install, has better stability and strength to mechanical stress. They are the choice of optical components for all kinds of devices and instruments.

Prism half five prism polyangular prism

Equilateral dispersing prisms, which disperse a beam of light into different colors, are used in spectroscopic experiments and instruments. When a beam of light hits one side at an Angle, because the refractive index of glass depends on its wavelength, different colors of light are refracted at different angles, resulting in a spectrum on the other side. When the top Angle is 60°, both large dispersion and less reflection loss can be obtained. A glass with a higher dispersion capacity or a smaller Abbe number will produce a larger dispersion.

Roof Prism is often used in extremely compact binoculars because it is small and allows the objective and eyepiece to be aligned. Compared with the Prow prism, the roof prism has two main disadvantages, one is the loss of light, the image is dark; Second, the assembly accuracy is high, difficult to manufacture, the price is more expensive, well manufactured roof prism in performance can catch up with but will not exceed the proprism.

The key of roof ridge prism is the existence of roof ridge surface, the so-called roof ridge surface is the light path will encounter a roof ridge shaped reflection surface by two reflection surface, the edge of the two faces in the middle of the light path, so some roof ridge prism can see a dividing line in the middle, in fact, can also be understood as splitting the beam into two halves and then piecing together. Compose TWO MIRRORS TO FORM A RIGHT Angle TO FORM a RIDGE SURFACE, ONESELF TRY, SEE WITH ORDINARY MIRROR OF LEFT AND RIGHT INTERCHANGED? A commonly used Bihan prism reflects six times. A parallel prism, the ABBE prism commonly used in modern Zeiss telescopes, is also a roof prism. It is slightly longer, but only reflects four times, and does not require reflective coating, so its efficiency is higher than that of other Han prisms and about the same as that of ordinary Paul prisms.

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