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Sapphire crystal light guide block

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  • Update Time : 2022-09-09
  • Code: YX354496674
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 Sapphire crystal guide block polarizing lens DJI filter

When used in laser instruments

When the laser output power is too high, the output object cannot bear such high heat. At this time, adding an attenuation piece can effectively reduce the output power, so as to control the power within the range that the object can bear. The customer can choose the required attenuation degree independently, and our company will provide the corresponding attenuation piece.

For UAV aerial photography and photography filters

Our is reflective ND mirror adopts imported optical glass surface of optical coating processing, can ensure a smooth spectral response for light, and not easy ageing under general conditions, which can realize from ultraviolet to near infrared range of homogeneous attenuation, double-sided coating film no glance, one side to add waterproof membrane plating, ensure the quality of the wet conditions will not affect the shooting. It has the characteristics of both colored glass ND mirror and ordinary coated ND mirror. In the case of low reflection characteristics of colored glass, the attenuation value can be flexibly customized in the range of OD0.1 to OD5. Conventional size: 46mm, 52mm, 55mm, 58mm, 67mm, 72mm, 77mm, 82mm, can be customized at any time according to customer requirements.

Sapphire crystal guide block polarizing lens DJI filter

ND mirrors, also known as medium gray density mirrors, filter light. This filtering effect is non-selective, that is to say, the ND mirror has the same and uniform ability to reduce all kinds of light of different wavelengths. It only plays the role of weakening the light, and does not have Renhe effect on the color of the original object, so it can truly reproduce the contrast of the scene.

Medium gray density mirror is also called reducing lens. ND4 can cut 2 levels of aperture or 75% of the light into the camera, the lens will not have Renhe effect on the color of the original object, but also can truly reproduce the contrast of the scene.

Brief description: Gray scale mirror is used to reduce the amount of light input to achieve special exposure Xiaoguo

In many cases, due to the intensity of the external light, we can't get a long enough shutter time to achieve our intention.

For example, when shooting water in the wild, we want to use a shutter time of one second to make the water appear soft like cotton wool. But because of the intense light, even with the camera's small aperture and ISO, the shutter speed was still around 1/30 of a second. The solution is to use one or two ND8 lenses to reduce the light entering the lens.

ND2 is to reduce the exposure of 1 gear, ND4 is to reduce the exposure of 2 gear, ND8 is to reduce the exposure of 3 gear.

There is a simple formula. Assuming your camera has a normal exposure shutter speed of T without adding ND, then add Nd and the same light conditions, aperture size and ISO, the normal exposure shutter speed is =T*x. This x is the number marked on the back of the ND lens, x=4 for ND4 and X =8 for ND8.

Due to the process, the larger the coefficient behind ND, the greater the effect on the color temperature.

Encounter violent sunlight, or gray overcast day, the gray mirror to shoot Xiaoguo improve mingxianmingxian. Medium grey mirrors, also known as reducers, are originally used to reduce light passing through the lens and avoid overexposure. In digital photography, the problem of insufficient exposure tolerance of small CCD has always been more Mingxian. The medium gray mirror can suppress the high light level, so that it can achieve accurate exposure, and low light level imaging does not have much impact, so it has a great impact on the exposure of the whole picture! Especially in landscape photography, its practicality will be Mingxian high.

ND mirrors, also known as medium gray density mirrors, filter light. This filtering effect is non-selective, that is to say, the ND mirror has the same and uniform ability to reduce all kinds of light of different wavelengths. It only plays the role of weakening the light, and does not have Renhe effect on the color of the original object, so it can truly reproduce the contrast of the scene.

When the picture is too bright, it may not be possible to shoot at the required slow shutter speed. In such cases, the Neutral ash (ND) filter on digital cameras can reduce the amount of light, avoid overexposure and reflect the photographer's intention.


Polarizers work by selectively filtering light from a certain direction. By filtering out much of the polarized light in diffuse reflections, it reduces the intensity of light in the sky, darkens the sky, and increases the contrast between the blue sky and the white clouds. In the actual shooting, you should look at the viewfinder and rotate the front mirror. The Xiaoguomingxian in the viewfinder when the sky is dark is 90 degrees away from the appearance. You can turn it to any Angle between dark and light you want.

Polarizer is a lens made according to the principle of the polarization of light, which can exclude and filter the scattered light in the beam, prevent ultraviolet light and filter polarized light. A good polarizer can achieve the color of the surrounding environment is not distorted, the edge of the object is clear, can effectively identify different color signal lights, reduce the effect of ultraviolet rays into the pupil.

According to the different mechanism of filtering polarized light, polarizer can be divided into circular polarizer (CPL) and linear polarizer (LPL), which have the same function. LPL is mainly used in older hand-focused cameras, and this filter has been phased out. The late emergence of CPL adds a film of 1/4 wavelength, which has the special property of producing a π/2 phase shift for the polarized electric vector in one direction (assume X), but no Renhe effect for the electric vector perpendicular to it (assume Y). So it is possible to pass the above polarized light through the 1/4 wave plate along the angular bisector of X and y, and the outgoing light will be a composite of two polarized beams with a phase difference of π/2 perpendicular to each other, known as circularly polarized light. This makes it more suitable for newer autofocus and autoexposure cameras. Therefore, cameras with AF lenses (switched camera lenses with auto-focus function) all use CPL as polarizer. In some light conditions, linear polarizers may mislead the metering elements in the machine, so DC and most autofocus cameras use circular polarizers.

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